أهم الأخبار

العلاقات الخارجية

- مؤتمر دولى للعيون فى جنوب افريقيا من 27 الى 30 اكتوبر

2015-10-17 00:00:00 - مؤتمر دولى للعيون فى جنوب افريقيا من 27 الى 30 اكتوبر

IAPB 10GA: Stronger Together

Abstract submissions  for free paper and poster presentations at the 10th General Assembly, are now live.

Online registrations at discounted 'Early Bird' prices will go live shortly on the IAPB 10GA website.

The 10GA Programme Committee welcomes abstract submissions for presentations from every eye health professional. The 9GA in 2012 saw more than 250 papers presented as both as oral and poster presentations. Abstract topics include a wide variety of eye health issues and topics of interest, and reflect the range of the
scientific programme. Refer to the abstract guidelines and do submit your abstracts.

Online registrations for 10GA will be open shortly. Avail 'Early bird' prices by registering quickly, and benefit from discounted pricing. With 3 delegate categories, plus accessible rates for students and spouses, 10GA offers incredible value-for-money rates for delegates. Do look at our 
Ticket prices.

Are you interested in receiving more frequent updates? Do subscribe to 10GA e-blasts below.

Press here:​  http://10ga.iapb.org/​ 


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