أهم الأخبار

التعليم الطبي المستمر

Register now for our Egyptian Medical Syndicate upcoming Experts Webinar!

2020-07-11 00:34:55 Register now for our Egyptian Medical Syndicate  upcoming Experts Webinar!

Register now for our Egyptian Medical Syndicate  upcoming Experts Webinar!

Do you need to know more about Anxiety, depression and other psychosomatic disorders? then stay tuned for our upcoming Meet the Experts webinar!

Unexplained Somatic symptoms
Online Psychiatry Conference
9th July 2020 



ID                 854 6060 2578
Password        lundbeck

This  Webinar was accredited two credit hours by CEMTA

Speakers & Agenda

* Challenges in the diagnosis and management of Depression
Prof. Dr. Tarek A. Okasha     
Professor of Psychiatry Ain Shams University  
* Overview of Generalized Anxiety Disorder 
Prof. Dr. Hannan El Shinnawy      
Professor of Psychiatry Cairo University

* Updates of Somatoform disorders 
Prof. Dr. Hani Hamed    
 Professor of Psychiatry Beni Sweif University

* Dilemma of diagnosing panic disorder 
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Nasreldin      
Professor of Psychiatry Cairo University

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